Zamna delivers a next-generation Passenger Travel Document Approval, operating invisibly inside the airline and without the need for apps. Designed to digitise and verify passenger travel document data and match it with complex international travel rules for each passenger - approving passengers to fly well before the airport. Zamna eliminates fines related to border and immigration document checks, and Inadmissible. Making airline operations faster, better and cheaper by cutting down on agent-driven manual work. Boosting revenue through improved passenger Net Promoter Score. With its unique "verify once, use again" feature, the technology eliminates over 60% of in-airport regulatory processing, making travel faster, better and cheaper for passengers and airlines. Collaborating with airlines and government agencies since 2016, Zamna has completed more than 60 million passport verifications and is the current holder of IATA's oneID innovation award. Other notable associations include a long-standing partnership with British Airways' owner International Airlines Group; Arab Air Carriers' Organization (AACO); ICAO Global Travel Recovery project; a collaboration between Emirates Airlines and the UAE's General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners (GDRFA) to improve airport security; solution deployments with airlines in Europe, North America and LATAM.
100 Victoria Embankment
London, England. EC4Y 0DY
United Kingdom
saas, blockchains, cyber security, general aviation, enterprise software, security, software, internet, information technology, blockchain, identity, verification
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