Riihicloud is a software provider that helps MSPs run more efficient, profitable and strategic businesses. Riihicloud's Intune-based endpoint management solution leverages multitenancy, analytics, task automation and process standardization to help MSPs save time, scale their businesses and shift to delivering more high-value services. The Riihicloud team delivers dozens of tested packages every week as part of its endpoint management solution. Riihicloud product development started in 2016 by a team of Microsoft Azure and Intune experts and leaders in the MSP space. The ISO certified vendor has managed hundreds of off-the-shelf application, configuration and MSP-specific packages as part of its expert-delivered endpoint management solution. Riihicloud has helped hundreds of MSP end-customers manage tens of thousands of devices to date. Learn more at riihicloud.com.
2 Etelaeinen asemakatu
Riihimaeki, Etelae-Suomi. 11130
+358 10 5049530
endpoint analytics, managed service provider tools, microsoft, azure, intune, endpoints, workstations, software, applications, configurations, saas, cloud services, cyber security, device management, windows, windows autopilot, msp, mobile device management, device analytics, hardware, android, workstation management, information security, modern workplace, endpoint management
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