Prism Infosec is a CREST-approved member and Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessor Company based in Cheltenham and Liverpool, UK and was founded in 2006. The Company has delivered information security consultancy and assessment services to some of the world's largest organisations. Prism Infosec is an independent firm, so our clients can be assured that our advice is truly pragmatic and not designed to up-sell other security products and services. Uniquely, Prism Infosec's consultants possess both business and management focus but also a broad range of technical skills. Whether delivering advice on cutting edge information security architectural solutions, conducting management controls audits, or in-depth technical penetration testing our consultants always deliver a quality end-to-end service. It is our ethos that our clients work with professional and experienced consultants at all times and customer satisfaction is our number one priority. We always ensure a prompt and efficient service and provide deliverables that can be used effectively by our audience at any level of the business. Prism Infosec is a member of CREST, the not for profit organisation that serves the needs of a technical information security marketplace requiring the services of a regulated professional services industry. Prism Infosec is a Payment Card Industry Qualified Security Assessor Company (QSAC), employing experienced QSAs who always offer pragmatic assessments and commensurate advice and recommendations. Prism Infosec is a Cyber Essentials Plus certifying body, and offer certification services to our clients. Prism Infosec also maintain an ISO9001:2015 certified (UKAS-accredited) Quality Management System (QMS) which ensures that quality is at the heart of all our service offerings and client relationships.
4 Montpellier Drive
Cheltenham, England. GL50 1TX
United Kingdom
+44 1242 652100
information technology consultancy, crest penetration testing services, cyber essentials auditors, cyber security assessments, cloud security services, governance, risk management, compliance, privacy, data protection, mdr, managed detection & response, xdr, cyber incident response, red teaming, saas, soc
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